Hunting Rifle - 2 Days

COST: $595 (does not include lodging and meals)

Course Dates: September 19-20, 2025

Class size limited to 10 students.

This 2-day course will allow you to sharpen your skills before heading out on your next rifle hunt. The course’s goal is twofold: understand the ballistic characteristics and capability of your individual firearm/ammunition and most importantly, identify your personal capabilities and limitations when in actual field conditions with the equipment you’ll be carrying on your hunt.

For most people, preparing for a hunt entails going to a 100-yard range to sight your gun in “3 inches high at a hundred yards” from a bench and calling it good. Not so at THE SITE. We ensure your hunting rifle is set up for you, sighted in and zeroed at the optimum ACTUAL distance for your given caliber and ammunition, taking into consideration your quarry and hunt location. You’ll then experience and practice actual field condition shooting positions: supported, unsupported, sling use, standing, kneeling, sitting, prone, shooting sticks, backpacks, on flat ground and hillsides using natural terrain features as support aides.

The course of instruction will additionally address:Chalus, Idaho

  • Hunting rifle maintenance
  • Marksmanship
  • Vital area shot placement
  • Scope adjustments and reticle explanation
  • Range estimation
  • Mil Dot, MOA or Holdover variant type reticle use (if applicable to scopes brought to class)
  • External ballistics
  • Wind calling
  • Field expedient positions
  • High angle trajectory principles
  • Stress shooting

Final Course Note: Though essential technical and theoretical principles for this course are gleaned from Precision Rifle, this is neither a tactical or long range-hunting course.  We stress field shooting situations that reveal your inherent capabilities and limitations. We DO NOT promote the unethical practice of shooting at game where distances exceed your capability to place first round hits in the game’s vital area.

If you have a hunting party of 3 or more and would like an exclusively tailored course, please contact us to make arrangements. We will be more than happy to accommodate your request.


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  “Without your class (and a lot of practice afterwards), I’m not sure
I would have had the knowledge or the confidence to take the shot.
Thanks for everything.  I took a pretty large 5×5!”

Ed S.

  • Hunting Rifle/Scope
  • Spotting scope with short stand (optional)
  • Backpack with which you will be hunting
  • Small calculator (smartphone ok)
  • Small sandbag/bean bag for butt stock support (optional)
  • Bipod/Tripod style shooting sticks (Ex. Primos Trigger Sticks, short or tall)
  • Rifle Cleaning Equipment: One piece stainless steel or coated rod, 12″ longer than barrel length (no sectional rods), bore guide, bronze bore brush, nylon bore brush, patch jag, appropriate size cotton or flannel patches, powder solvent, copper solvent
  • Ear and eye protection
  • Notebook
  • Pencils (pens will not write in the rain)
  • Weather appropriate clothing and your hunting apparel
  • Ball cap or boonie hat
  • Rain gear
  • Sunscreen


80 rounds of ammunition (we recommend you bring the ammunition you will be hunting with as accuracy and zero settings vary between ammunition types). We will chronograph each student’s ammunition for velocity to determine personal ballistic drop charts.
FOID Card (Illinois resident only), Concealed Carry License w/photo or other proof of good character
Deluxe on-site lodging is available at the Black Bear Lodge.  Please contact us for more information.

Accuracy and Precision

We teach the precise employment of firearms through the development of solid fundamental techniques.  On target, everytime.


Speed is a byproduct of being smooth.  Smoothness is developed by going slow and practicing.  We teach the techniques to make you smooth and fast.


Safety is paramount.  We live by the “four principles of gun safety ” and strive to instill this mentality into every client.

Client Experience

Lessons learned at The Site are enduring.  On the range and in the lodge, you are going to love training at The Site.


Contact us for more information on our courses offered, facilities, and how we can help plan your training experience.