Long Range Rifle Refresher - 2 Day

COST:  $525 (does not include lodging and meals)

Course Dates: June 21-22, 2025

Class size: Limited to 10

Instructors: Jim Kauber, jimkauber@thesitetraining.com

                      Lara Spanic, larajspanic@gmail.com

Course hours: Course begins at 8:00 AM and ends approximately 4:30 PM each day. All attendees will meet in the main classroom at The Site on each day of training.


This course is designed for those who have previously attended The Site’s Precision Rifle, LE Sniper Application or Designated Marksman Rifle courses. It will be a formal refresher on perishable skill subject matter i.e., external ballistics, wind reading, positional shooting, evaluating, establishing minute or mil lead then engaging moving targets at distance, spotter/shooter communication and engaging targets at odd distances utilizing minute or mil come-ups from your personally established 100 – 600 yard dope.


Come prepared with your firearm zeroed at your required distance, typically 100 yards, elevation and windage turrets indexed to zero and zero stops set. Know your reticle and what each mark and/or dot is worth in minutes or mils. Time will not be allotted to cover this as it will hold up the entire class as we move back from 100 to 600 yards verifying individual elevation settings. This is a Site Refresher not an initial Precision Rifle course.

Precision Rifle
  • Precision rifle (capable of sub-minute of angle accuracy)
  • Scope with MOA or Milradian adjustment target turrets and Mil-Dot or MOA variant reticle.  You will not be able to take full advantage of this course without a scope of this configuration.
  • Rifle mounted bipod; Atlas, Harris S series BR or L models most common
  • Kestrel (optional)
  • Cheek rest if your rifle does not have a stock with an adjustable cheek piece (Ex. Blackhawk, Hawktex)
  • Shooting mat
  • Spotting scope / stand (optional)
  • Small calculator (smartphone ok)
  • Small sand/bean bag for butt stock support
  • Rifle Cleaning Equipment: One piece stainless steel or coated rod, 12″ longer than barrel length (sectional rods not recommended), bore guide, bronze bore brush, nylon bore brush, patch jag, appropriate size cotton or flannel patches, powder solvent, copper solvent
  • Ear (electronic type recommended) and Eye Protection
  • Rite in the Rain notebook
  • Pencils (pens will not write in the rain) You will be provided a course curriculum manual with ample room for taking notes in each chapter
  • Clothing appropriate for the week’s weather
  • Ball cap or boonie hat
  • Rain gear (we will shoot in the rain if the weather dictates)
  • Sunscreen
  • Bag, backpack and/or drag bag for carrying all equipment
  • Ballistic program on smart phones highly recommended, i.e., Shooter or Ballistic AE
  • Bug repellent (gnats can be thick during Spring and Summer months)

300 rounds minimum of the same match ammo


Prior attendance of The Site’s Precision Rifle, LE Sniper Application or Designated Marksman Rifle courses. Absolutely no exceptions.

Deluxe on-site lodging is available at the Black Bear Lodge.  Please contact us for more information.

Accuracy and Precision

We teach the precise employment of firearms through the development of solid fundamental techniques.  On target, everytime.


Speed is a byproduct of being smooth.  Smoothness is developed by going slow and practicing.  We teach the techniques to make you smooth and fast.


Safety is paramount.  We live by the “four principles of gun safety ” and strive to instill this mentality into every client.

Client Experience

Lessons learned at The Site are enduring.  On the range and in the lodge, you are going to love training at The Site.


Contact us for more information on our courses offered, facilities, and how we can help plan your training experience.