Wind Clinic

Wind Clinic – 1 day
COST: $250.00 (does not include lodging and meals)
Course Dates: TBD
Class size limited to 10.
Instructors: Jim Kauber, Lara Spanic
Prior Site Precision Rifle, LE Sniper Application, Hunting Rifle or DMR course attendees will receive a 10% discount. Please contact Jim Kauber, for the discount code prior to registering online.
Course hours: The 1-day clinic begins at 8:00 AM and ends approximately 4:30 PM. All attendees will meet in the main classroom at The Site. Lunch is included at the affiliated Black Bear Lodge North, approximately 5 minutes away.
Course Description: The most challenging aspect of precision long-range shooting is being able to correctly gauge wind speed, assign a value, correlate that value to your caliber’s ballistic performance then analytically establishing and shooting your calculated Mil or MOA hold before the wind changes. We emphasize the simple mathematical application of establishing wind holds predicated on your specific caliber’s ballistic parameters and not using prior shot impacts as a correctional indicator for subsequent shots. Each shot should be a standalone call. We don’t give you the solution, we give you the means to obtain your solution.
The clinic is open to all shooters interested in improving their long-range wind reading skills: LE snipers, competition shooters, big game and predator hunters and recreational shooters. The clinic begins with waiver signing and safety brief followed by initial classroom instruction, 100 / 200-yard zero confirmation then the rest of the day at the covered 600 yard firing line engaging assorted steel targets < 1 MOA to 2 MOA in size.
The clinic will address:
- Terrain features that effect wind direction and speed
- Natural vegetation indicators
- Understanding mirage direction, velocity, where and how to read it
- Matching conditions for follow-up shots
- Spin drift considerations
- Establishing high and low wind value bracket w/holds
- Use of the Kestrel
What this clinic is not:
- A rifle marksmanship course (please see Precision Rifle)
- An opportunity to sight in your rifle
- A means to figure out why your rifle doesn’t shoot any better than 2+ MOA
- A trouble-shooting session for semi-autos that won’t run though semi-autos are welcome
Come prepared i.e., Rifle already zeroed at your prescribed distance with elevation and windage turrets indexed to 0 and zero stops set, receiver screws, base & scope ring screws torqued to their required settings. We’ll fine tune the zeroes for that day though. Ensure you have enough usable MOA or Mil elevation adjustments to obtain a 600 yard zero. For those who do not know their actual velocities, we’ll chronograph their rifle for this information. Minimal time will be spent confirming zeros after which we’ll proceed directly to the 600-yard line for the rest of the day.
- Precision rifle capable of sub minute of angle. Bolt action and semi-autos .223 to 338 Lapua.
- Scope with MOA or Milliradian adjustment target turrets and Mil-Dot or MOA variant reticle. You will not be able to take full advantage of this clinic without a scope of this configuration.
- Rifle mounted bipod; Atlas, Harris S series BR or L models most common
- Kestrel (optional)
- Cheek rest if your rifle does not have a stock with an adjustable cheek piece (Ex. Blackhawk, Hawktex)
- Shooting mat
- Spotting scope / stand (optional but recommended)
- Small calculator (smartphone ok)
- Small sand/bean bag for butt stock support
- Ear (electronic type recommended) and Eye Protection
- Rite in the Rain notebook
- Pencils (pens will not write in the rain)
- Clothing appropriate for the day’s weather
- Rain gear (we will shoot in the rain but will be under the 600-yard covered firing point)
- Sunscreen
- Ballistic program on smart phones highly recommended, i.e., Shooter or Ballistic AE
- Bug repellent (gnats can be thick during Spring and Summer months)
100 match rounds minimum
FOID card (Illinois residents only) or Concealed Carry Licenser
Deluxe on-site lodging is available at the Black Bear Lodge. Please contact us for more information.